Every year we train new servers and every year we talk about why the church has statues, sanctuary lamp, candles, etc. They all have a significant meaning for us. One day a very astute kid asked..."I get white is for heaven, gold is for celebration, purple is for penance but why green?" I had to laugh a second but the kid was very serious when asking this question.
On that day, I said that Ordinary Time is the time where we listen to what Jesus said and did, to help us grow to be more like him. My answer didn't seem to satisfy him and he just said okay. This is what I wish I said that day: Green represents hope, life, and anticipation of growth just as new flowers and trees blooming do. It is a sign of life, and of nature that reflects our hope and growth in our spiritual lives as children of God. We listen to what Jesus said and did, so that we may emulate him in our life and be more like him every day. This is because we are made in his image and likeness. We are renewed every day like a new rose growing. Ordinary Time is the longest liturgical season at 34 weeks yet we think of it as just a filler for Advent, Lent, Christmas and Easter. Those are the high holy times of the year where we celebrate the coming of Christ at Christmas and await his second coming at the end of time. We celebrate our Lord's life, passion, death, and resurrection and the ascension into heaven. Ordinary Time is the hinge between those seasons and not a filler of time. During this season we sit at the Lord's feet to listen to him and see what he did. It is more than just "What Would Jesus Do." It is What did Jesus do, say, and how does he want me to follow God as a child of God. This is the time we hone our skills of prayer and missionary zeal of being a follower of Christ. We have 8 weeks left of Ordinary Time until advent. How can we take these 8 weeks to be more intentional of prayer and more generous of our time, talent, and treasure to our community, our family of parishes. Let us realize that God has given us all that we need to preach the Gospel, and our faith is not meant to be dull. It is meant to be an adventure that only God can send us on. There is nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time...it means ordering our life to be like Christ. We have 8 weeks....how can we live that missionary faith of time, talent, and treasure and live as Christ calls us to live? I hope you have a blessed week and a blessed time of growth over these next 8 weeks. In Christ, Fr. Brian
February 2025