Discipleship Pathway
Here at Our Lady of Light, our vision and mission is to make Heaven present here and now by helping people to walk with Jesus in their everyday lives. We are a parish dedicated to helping people become missionary disciples, and our new Discipleship Pathway is how we are trying to do that.
What is a discipleship pathway?
A Discipleship Pathway is a streamlined approach for helping people within a parish to grow as disciples, or students of the faith, and be commissioned as missionary disciples or Apostles, which is translated to 'one who is sent.' where do i fit into the discipleship pathway?
We are excited for each member of Our Lady of Light to discern where they are on this pathway (that is, to spend time asking the Lord what it is He needs from us). This pathway, like our spiritual journeys, is not an exact science, and each person’s journey is different. The Discipleship Pathway invites you to grow as a missionary disciple through regular formation and spiritual growth with other committed disciples. This will look different for every person. do you have to go through the pathway in a particular order?
The Holy Spirit moves in our lives according to His specific plan for us. Someone may first become involved through serving at Mass but then respond to an invitation to Rescue Project through a fellow volunteer. Or someone may start in a Connect Group in search of community. However, generally when someone is first beginning the Discipleship Pathway at Our Lady of Light, we believe going through the pathway outlined can bear tremendous fruit as it follows the general journey of a growing disciple. If I am already a parishioner, do I have to begin with Rescue Project?
A parishioner, or even a new member, does not have to start with the Rescue Project. For some people, a first step might be to start up a Connect Group (small group), discern gifts through Called & Gifted or other steps along the Discipleship Pathway. We do hope that every parishioner will experience the Rescue Project at some point, particularly in the 2024-25 year for the following reasons:
Especially as a ministry leader at Our Lady of Light, we believe entering into this pathway will deepen your personal witness in the ministry you are already serving and will help to provide context to your ministry. Where do Bible Studies, Retreats and Ministries fit into the pathway?
Many of our existing groups fall into what we would consider Community Groups - places where people connect to share life, prayer, formation, and/or mission. Some of these groups have a specific focus or cater to a particular group of individuals. |
THE RESCUE PROJECT | ACTS XXIXExperience of the gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer.
The Rescue Project seeks to proclaim the gospel in a compelling and attractive way over eight weeks in a small group format. This experience is imbued with beauty, authentic humanity, and accompaniment. To learn more about the Rescue Project visit their national website, our OLL Rescue Project Page or contact Christen Aquino. |
CALLED & GIFTED | CATHERINE OF SIENA INSTITUTESimply put, an experience of Charism Discernment. All of us have been given free gifts from God for the sake of building up others and the Church; these are called Charisms. Through the full Called & Gifted experience, individuals participate over the course of 3 months:
Called & Gifted seeks to help individuals recognize the ways in which God is inviting them to be a part of His restorative mission in the world. To learn more about the Called & Gifted visit their website or contact Christen Aquino. Please note: it is recommended that participants be at least 18 years of age. Can’t make the full commitment to Called & Gifted at this time? No problem! We invite you to check out our 2-hour workshop, Fruitful Discipleship. During the evening we’ll share a meal, hear about the Holy Spirit and discernment, take time before the Eucharist to pray about where the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives, and conclude with some time in small group conversation about the content and prayer. The next Fruitful Discipleship sessions will be held in December 2024. Contact Christen Aquino for more information. Please note: Fruitful Discipleship is open to anyone 14 years or older; minors must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. |
REACH MORE | EVANGELICAL CATHOLICThe Reach More Mission Training experience begins with robust formation in a life of discipleship. In group and one-on-one settings, you will grow in the heart and habits of daily prayer, Scripture, sacraments, and community. You will be equipped as missionary disciples with the Father’s heart for the world. Reach More is an 11-week formation in weekly small group + bi-weekly 1-on-1. Similarly to Jesus’ model, this group is limited to 12 individuals who spend extensive time in discernment and prayer with leadership to determine readiness to participate.