The transmission of the faith to our children is one of our highest priorities at Our Lady of Light Family of Parishes. Our keystone children's program, Awaken, serves our pre-K through grade 5 children, including those with special needs. Children and parents alike find their faith enriched and community deepened by participating and serving in the Awaken program. Sacramental preparation for Baptism, First Reconciliation and First Communion are included in our Awaken program.
Our goal is to "awaken" in each child:
Weekly ProgramsOur classroom style program is offered weekly starting the week after Labor day through early May. Parents are able to choose which campus and time works best for your family for that school year.
Adaptive ProgrammingIf your child has special needs and would like to receive religious education, we offer individualized education within the mainstream classroom for any child by providing that child with a Special Needs Buddy or offering accommodations.
Adaptive Weekly Program: Tuesday 4:30pm-5:45pm (1-5) |
Summer ProgramsVacation Bible Camp is a week-long summer program for kids from preschool to rising 5th graders. Each year we follow along with a theme to connect our faith to our world, with dinner and an option for parents to attend an adult session on marriage and parenting.
Totus Tuus, Latin for “Totally Yours,” is a week-long summer program for rising 1st through 6th grade that combines Catholic religious instruction and having fun! A team of college-age students and seminarians come to the parish to lead (the youthfulness and energy of the teachers is an inspiring way to share the faith and their enthusiasm is contagious!). |