Support Ministries
[The parts of the body] will take care of one another. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy. You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it. // 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
As one Body of Christ, when one of us hurts, we all hurt. Whether you have experienced the loss of a loved one, are feeling lost and alone, or find yourself in a difficult chapter of your life, we are here to walk with you. We invite you to find comfort and rest in one of our support ministries. Please know that you are in our prayers during this time.
Bereavement ministry
The Bereavement Ministry at each campus is comprised of parishioners who lovingly perform various tasks related to parish funerals. Team members support family members by listening to their stories, lifting them up with prayer and encouragement, leading the planning process, and walking with them through the rituals of the Catholic Church, following the death of a loved one.
Volunteer Coordinators
Incarnation Campus // Deb Ruemmerle
St. Francis of Assisi // Julie Weaver
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
Volunteer Coordinators
Incarnation Campus // Deb Ruemmerle
St. Francis of Assisi // Julie Weaver
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
We understand how deeply people and families are hurt by divorce and/or separation, and we want you to know that our Divorce Care group is here for you. Here you can find a place where many people have found they can begin putting their lives back together again. No matter what the circumstances, divorce and separation is a painful process for most people. Divorce Care recovery seminar/support group is a special help video seminar series featuring nationally recognized Christian experts on divorce and recovery topics. The video seminars are combined with support group discussions of the materials presented during the video program.
Volunteer Coordinator
Marcelle Toma
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
Volunteer Coordinator
Marcelle Toma
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
Grief Share is a nationally recognized grief recovery program, which uses videos, group discussions and workbooks to lead participants through the grieving process. Groups are guided by caring facilitators who have rebuilt their own lives following the death of a loved one and who are trained to listen to the stories of the participants who are learning skills for coping with loss.
Volunteer Coordinator
Incarnation // Vicke Snyder
St. Francis of Assisi // Julie Weaver
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
Volunteer Coordinator
Incarnation // Vicke Snyder
St. Francis of Assisi // Julie Weaver
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
Our Lady of Light Healing Ministry offers private, confidential prayer with trained healing ministers every Monday night at 7:00pm in the Chapel on Incarnation’s Campus (PAC). All are welcome, no appointment necessary. If you or a loved one are struggling with health issues, sadness, loss, or any other difficulty, we invite you to come receive the healing touch of the Lord!
Volunteer Coordinator
Carleen Suttman
Staff Contact // Christen Aquino
Volunteer Coordinator
Carleen Suttman
Staff Contact // Christen Aquino
The Lean On Me Ministry provides various temporary services to assist members in the community to get back on their feet. This includes providing meals or light household chores (cleaning, cooking, laundry). If current volunteers cannot supply the service needed. the ministry will help put those in need in contact with services that could assist them. Lean On Me also makes visits to the elderly, shut-ins, people recently released from the hospital, new mothers or anyone who would like the occasional visitor.
Volunteer Coordinator
Carolyn Moran
Staff Contact // Jeanne Sheppard
Volunteer Coordinator
Carolyn Moran
Staff Contact // Jeanne Sheppard
Martha Ministry is comprised of over 100 volunteers (men and women) who work together to provide a luncheon after a funeral for family and friends here at St. Francis of Assisi Church. While it may seem we have many volunteers, more are always welcome. Many hands make for light work and additional volunteers help to provide everyone a chance to serve this great Ministry.
Volunteer Coordinator
Carol Mauro
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
Volunteer Coordinator
Carol Mauro
Staff Contact // Stacy Stang
If you are in need of the Holy Eucharist being brought to your home, please contact our Ministry to the Sick & Homebound.
Volunteer Coordinators
Incarnation // Dcn. Roger Duffy
St. Francis of Assisi // Cathy Arnold & Carol Comer
Staff Contact // Deacon Roger Duffy
Volunteer Coordinators
Incarnation // Dcn. Roger Duffy
St. Francis of Assisi // Cathy Arnold & Carol Comer
Staff Contact // Deacon Roger Duffy
Prayer Shawl Ministry touches lives with encouragement or comfort. Volunteers gather to knit or crochet prayer shawls which are given to those in need of being ‘wrapped’ in God’s love and strength. Our members’ skills vary from beginner to advanced levels; all are welcome!
Volunteer Coordinators
Incarnation // Pat Thieke
St. Francis of Assisi // Karen Freyvogel
Staff Contact // Sarah Seckt
Volunteer Coordinators
Incarnation // Pat Thieke
St. Francis of Assisi // Karen Freyvogel
Staff Contact // Sarah Seckt
St. Vincent de Paul assists those in need with utilities, rent, food and referrals to other agencies in an attempt to help them with their immediate needs. While Vincentians cannot help on an ongoing basis, they advise and encourage people to take the first steps to solve their problems. If they are comfortable, we pray with them and encourage them to find a faith community in their time of need. Additionally, each of our campuses have individual SVdP meal programs that parishioners can participate in. See the campus notes below for more information.
Meals Ministry // Incarnation Service Area
Volunteer Coordinators // Kathy Farrey and Candy Huttinger
The St. Vincent Meals crew are divided into teams to prepare a portion of a meal to be served at various shelters in the Dayton area.
Breakfast Ministry // St. Francis of Assisi Service Area
Volunteer Coordinator // Mike Manzo
The St. Vincent de Paul Shelter Breakfast Ministry is open to all parishioners and friends who are interested in preparing and serving breakfast to the guests of St. Vincent de Paul Shelter on the first Saturday of each month. Parishioners unable to volunteer can help by preparing breakfast casseroles or purchasing milk, and juices. For those needing the breakfast casserole instructions, CLICK HERE!
SVdP Staff Contact // Debbie Field
SVdP Meals Staff Contact // Jeanne Sheppard
SVdP Breakfast Ministry // Jeanne Sheppard
Meals Ministry // Incarnation Service Area
Volunteer Coordinators // Kathy Farrey and Candy Huttinger
The St. Vincent Meals crew are divided into teams to prepare a portion of a meal to be served at various shelters in the Dayton area.
Breakfast Ministry // St. Francis of Assisi Service Area
Volunteer Coordinator // Mike Manzo
The St. Vincent de Paul Shelter Breakfast Ministry is open to all parishioners and friends who are interested in preparing and serving breakfast to the guests of St. Vincent de Paul Shelter on the first Saturday of each month. Parishioners unable to volunteer can help by preparing breakfast casseroles or purchasing milk, and juices. For those needing the breakfast casserole instructions, CLICK HERE!
SVdP Staff Contact // Debbie Field
SVdP Meals Staff Contact // Jeanne Sheppard
SVdP Breakfast Ministry // Jeanne Sheppard