Looking at the pictures above, you wouldn't necessarily know that there is a visiting priest present for Adoration. You wouldn't know that there are mothers or fathers or students, you wouldn't know who's retired or who just started a promotion at work. You wouldn't know anyone is celebrating a new stage in life or struggling with some difficult news. You wouldn't know anything about the people present except that they are children of God.
Adoration is an experience for people at any stage of life. Think of God as your grandparent that lives across the country - He wants to hear from you through prayer like your grandparent wants to FaceTime to see how you're doing and ask what's new. He wants to be a part of our lives, even the parts that feel mundane to us. While we may just be silhouettes in Adoration, God sees each of us individually. Before He formed us, He knew us, and He wants to continue that relationship with us throughout our human experience. As part of that human experience, it can be hard to find the time to participate in scheduled Adorations or XLTs. We're overwhelmed with busy schedules, we spend all day at work and school and with our children or grandchildren, then we go to our second jobs, our after-school jobs, we have chores and yard work to do and dinners to cook and bath time and bed time and time for exercise and hobbies. The last thing we may think about is setting aside time to simply be and put a pause on all of that busyness to spend quiet, peaceful time before the Blessed Sacrament. "In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host." // Pope Benedict XVI As we prepare to enter the Advent season in the coming weeks, we invite you to join us for hope and rest, especially in Adoration and other prayerful opportunities offered by our family of parishes. Bring your family, bring a friend, bring an open heart and an open mind. Know that you are worthy and welcome to any Adoration, XLT or other prayer event at either Our Lady of Light campus. Whether you are...
You are welcome. Find peace with us in the midst of our busy lives.
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December 2024