When I was first ordained, I was approached by our priest personnel committee to see if I would take on being the chaplain for the Legion of Mary in Dayton. I told them that I was happy to do so. My grandmother was in the Legion of Mary, and I thought it was a good way to remember her.
As I began learning more about the Legion, I learned about Servant of God Frank Duff. Frank Duff started the Legion of Mary in his small parish in Ireland in 1921. By the 1940's, the Legion spread to other continents including Africa and Asia. In 1965, he was invited to the 2nd Vatican Council as a lay observer, and when he was introduced to the assembly he received a standing ovation. The Legion's purpose is in devotion to Jesus through Mary and also multiplying the work of the priests by visiting the sick, communion to the home bound, and serving the poor. His cause for sainthood is now up, so servant of God Frank Duff... pray for us! The Gospel on Tuesday morning was about how the mustard seed exponentially grows beyond itself. The same way, God grows us beyond we ever thought we could. Every Saint starts by being baptized, and then grew in faith with God's grace through works of mercy, prayer, and growing in community with each other. We begin the same way as all the Saints...in baptism. On All Saints Day, we celebrate all the Saints, the canonized and those only known to God. On this day, we get a chance to remember all those in heaven, which could include all our family members. We all start out as saints when we are baptized. God then grows us as the mustard seed to grow beyond our shell and become the flourishing disciple of Christ that He calls us to be. Have a blessed rest of your week and see you at Mass. In Christ, Fr. Brian
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December 2024