Congratulations!If you have found this page as you prepare your child for the sacrament of baptism, congratulations! We are so excited for your family to grow in faith, and are eager to bring your young one into the Catholic Church.
If you are an adult looking to be baptized, please see our OCIA page for more information. |
… we hope for a good life, the true life, for these children of ours; and also for happiness in a future that is still unknown. We are unable to guarantee this gift for the entire span of the unknown future, so we turn to the Lord to obtain this gift from our children. This family of God, into which the child is now admitted, will always accompany our children …will give words of light in response to the great challenges of life, and will point out the right path to take …will also offer the child consolation and comfort, and God’s love when death is at hand. // Pope Benedict XVI, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord 2006
Selecting Godparents
Choosing godparents is an exciting part of the baptism preparation process, and it requires thought. Your child's godparents should be strong believers in their faith, possessing the qualities of a godly man or woman. You can have a Christian witness as a godparent, but at least one godparent needs to be Catholic. It is important to remember that godparents are leaders in the faith of your child. They should be people your child can look up to with questions about their faith, or feel comfortable discussing their faith with.
Baptismal Preparation Program
As you prepare your child for the sacrament of Baptism, please be sure to register for a session of the Baptismal Preparation program. Just as hospitals offer classes in preparation for birth, the Church asks for all parents to commit to one baptismal preparation class to learn more deeply about what it means to baptize our children and raise them in the Catholic faith.
Sessions for Our Lady of Light are offered the first Thursday of each month and are held at 7:30pm in the Incarnation PAC. To register, please contact the parish office you are registered with.
Sessions for Our Lady of Light are offered the first Thursday of each month and are held at 7:30pm in the Incarnation PAC. To register, please contact the parish office you are registered with.
Schedule Your Baptism
We look forward to celebrating the sacrament of baptism with you! Please follow the guidelines below for the church at which you would like your baptism to be scheduled.
Please call the parish office to schedule a baptism at Incarnation Church // 937-433-1188
To schedule a baptism at St. Francis of Assisi Church, please fill out this form and return to Jeanne Sheppard via e-mail, or by returning it to the St. Francis of Assisi parish office.
Please call the parish office to schedule a baptism at Incarnation Church // 937-433-1188
To schedule a baptism at St. Francis of Assisi Church, please fill out this form and return to Jeanne Sheppard via e-mail, or by returning it to the St. Francis of Assisi parish office.